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Parties 101

30 Minute Live Facebook Event

STEP 1: You book a party with a hostess

STEP 2: Choose ONE date - probably an evening. Most likely it will be about a week out.  SOOOO- you won’t have a ten day party.  You’ll have 5-6 days leading up to a ONE NIGHT live party on facebook. The actual live event will last about 30 minutes.  I only do a FIVE day Party with these. Still set up a 10 day party, but have your live event happen right in the middle of that 10 days.  You can post the link in the description just in case someone wants to shop before the event.  Then keep the event open for a few days after. 

STEP 3: Create the EVENT (not group).  The Tag Team Gals were actually super confused why younique presenters were doing groups because they felt like it was kind of spammy- as people don’t get to choose as to whether they are included or not... Not a great way for building personal relationships.  “how did I get added to this” “or how did I get out of this.” And it’s a pain to invite people to a group as you have to add them one at a time.  Plus you can’t delete the group unless you personally remove every single person from the group.  

Now, you need to know that only the people that RSVP to the event will be notified of your posts. But you can ensure people see the event by sending personal messages.  Then it's super important to get people to RSVP!! 

STEP 4: Make the name of your event fun.   “mary jo’s facebook party” isn’t fun.
Be creative- have fun... something that get’s people excited and interested. My suggestion is to NOT name it "party"   Something like "Kelly's Crazy Awesome Beauty Boutique",  "Get Fabulash with Kelly", or "Makeup with Stacey"...   Have fun with it! â€‹


STEP 5: Add a really fun photo on the event.  
Have the image communicate a WOW invitation.  Needs to have a FUN image and words that pull them in.  You need to give people some kind of incentive to RSVP.  

“the first 20 people to RSVP going or maybe will be entered to win a free lipgloss” (or eye shadow pigments).

Whatever you decide to give -- it needs to have a perceived value of $10-$15 

STEP 6: HOSTESS COACH.  This is VITAL.   VITAL!!!!  The BIGGEST Key to Success is HOSTESS COACHING.  You need to coach your host on what she needs to do to be successful.  

Job of your hostess: get people to the event and get them excited.  Welcome people to the event.  She needs to treat the event just like if it was an event in her home. 

Teach her how to invite people.  She needs to send a PERSONAL message to EVERY person she is inviting.  Keep the event personal.  In order to have a really successful event she needs 25 & 30 people to say YES I’m attending this party.  Tell her you need her to invite about 50 people in order to get the 20-30 there. DON’T tell her to invite every single person she knows. 

It’s HER job to get people to attend, not yours.  You need to teach her how to do that.  Make sure the hostess knows what is expected of her. 

It’s really important for the hostess to be vocal.  Her job is to get people there and to get them excited and pumped up. 

Tell the hostess to send a private individual message. NO MASS MESSAGES.  To each person she has invited, she needs to tell them about the facebook party.  The goal is to remind her friends to take a peek at what she’s planned.  It needs to be short and sweet and it needs to include the event link. 

The invitation needs to have a call to action.  And there needs to be an incentive to respond.  You want them to be inspired to join the event.  Hostess is making it easy for her friends to RSVP and that’s the bottom line. 

You need to help make it a little easier for her so she can just COPY & PASTE this invitation to her friends. ... She doesn’t need to come up with it-- You tell her what to write.

EX: (side note- I missed a few words in the invitation example - but this gives you a good idea)

“Hey Mary, 

I thought of YOU.  Did you see the invitation.  There’s this new amazing mascara that I’m in love with. I’m doing a fb party and invited you. 

It’s 30 minutes and it’s happening right here on facebook.  So you can stay in your jammies! 

So check it out if you want.  If you RSVP my lash lady is giving away a prize -- just sayin!



** Have a loud voice on the event wall is just as important. 

** Make sure you send the hostess plenty of product to sample and tryout BEFORE her party.  Invest in your hostess.  Encourage her to post pictures of herself wearing the makeup.  Tag her friends to start the conversation.  The more talking before the party the better.  Relationships are the bottom line. 

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