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Videos & Selfies


There's no doubt about it.....Selfies and Videos WORK!!!  When your audience sees and hears you they connect with you so selfies and videos help you develop a relationship with your customers and BRAND you as their Younique presenter, give value to your network and customers, and SHARE without "selling".  


1) A camera phone works great!  For added lash length, try turning your phone upside down (trust me)


2) Good lighting IS A MUST!!!!  Face an OPEN window or take in your car.   Bathroom lighting is usually NOT good.  Don't have ANY great place to take photos??? Check out Amazon for a some great lighting options, including some inexpensive lights for smart phones.  Or


3) Hold your phone/camera slightly above -- everyone looks slimmer when photos are taken from above.  


4)  Don't worry about looking and sounding perfect... Be "you" so your customers can get to know you.  They're not looking for models to sell products (they get enough of that on tv). Be their friend sharing solutions with them.


5)  Until you get comfortable with video. Once you make a video just post it. Don't rewatch it.. You'll only criticize yourself.


6) Videos and Selfies are like a muscle....the more you do them the better they get. 

Makeup Video 101 - Finding the Light

Laura Dilley

How to Take the Perfect Selfie (makeup)

Cherisse Williams

Makeup Video 101 - Editing

Laura Dilley

Taking A Great Selfie

Lyndsay Johnson

Selfie & Video Tips

Heather Hermiz

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