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New Presenter Training

Launch Your Party

Please read so you understand how important your launch party is! This is the Foundation of your Business.  After you sign up the first thing you will do is start your LAUNCH PARTY!!


What is a launch party?

It is your debut party on Facebook where you post and share our amazing products. You will create a group on FB and add every single female FB friend you have to it. Trust me! The most random people will end up ordering from you. People that you haven’t talked to in YEARS!! Add everyone. One of the keys to this mascara business is not to assume someone isn’t interested because 9 times out of 10 you will be wrong.


Please watch these video on what a successful launch party looks like:

A Great Way to Launch Your Business

 Here is an example of how you can make your launch even stronger. The technicalities of how many to add to your group are not relevant. The more effort you put into it, the more successful your launch will be.

Why a Facebook group and not an event?

This Launch party group is going to end up being your customer group that you will continue to use throughout your entire business. You will post our monthly kudos and different specials that you might be doing for your valued customers each month. If you create your launch in an event then that event will end and vanish from FB.

Your Younique Party Link

Along with your FB group you will make your own party link that you will post in your group every single time you put a post in there.Example: If your post said this “Best mascara ever!!” you would also copy your party link after that. This is because as humans we are very impatient. If your party attendees have to search and search for where to order or where to look at our products they will get irritated fast.They need to see a link instantly or they may never come back to the group. So post your link like crazy in your closed FB parties.(Do not confuse this with your FB wall though. We don’t post our links on our FB wall. We “share” only out in the public cause we don’t want to spam everyone we know. But inside our parties we are selling product so it’s great to post your link).

How Often Should You Post

You are going to post at least 2-3 times each day in your launch party. This is how we market and advertise our products and it is key that we are consistent in posting in these parties cause we only have 10 days to sell these ladies on the best mascara ever!! So even if you feel like no one is looking or no one is interested you must keep posting. It takes a few days for people to come to terms that they absolutely can not go another day without our magic mascara. 

What Should You Post

LOTS OF SELFIES......Yes.... Seriously. Selfies. Selfies. Selfies Sell. Make them your OWN selfies! Take lots of them. Take pics of one eye 3D+ and one eye with nothing, one eye 3D+ and one eye regular mascara. Take pics of you after splashing water on your face to show the mascara’s water resistance. Take a pic on your way to work, at work, at the park, in your bedroom, at the store, or be you just wearing the mascara (and looking excited of course!) Take a picture of you after a very long day showing how the mascara does not budge for 10 hours or more! My point here: Just. Take. Selfies.  (More ideas under the "Party Tips" tab.) Now on the other hand, it is not realistic to post 4-5 pics of yourself every single day. So you can use any other pics you love that are in our groups or that someone has shared. Post clear and good quality photos that really show how beautiful our mascara makes the lashes. Also, post pics of real people and not models. No one wants to see a model. They want to see real.

How You Should Act At Your Launch Party

Imagine that you are having a real party at your house. You've invited your best girlfriends and family members over. How would you act in this situation? Would you stand in front of them all and sound like a billboard? Would you hold up a picture of the mascara and say nothing? Would you be very professional? No! Absolutely not, right? This is something important to understand. When selling any product, you are selling YOU. In these parties (especially your launch party) be yourself!! BE YOU. Be funny, light hearted, and don’t take yourself too seriously. We get enough of that in our regular lives. Be yourself. Your friends and family know you. So talk and act the same way in your FB party that you would in real life. It’s a very key strategy to success with an online business. 

The GOALS of Your Launch Party

You have 3 goals in your launch party:  1) To get the mascara-or a product- into as many hands as you can!! 2)  Find hostesses (ideally 6) for your next party.  3) Develop interest & a following from your customers.  THOSE are the goals. Let me tell you my experience and what I did during my launch party. I signed up and about 3 days I had my launch party started and going. I had NO CLUE what I was doing. All I knew was the mascara I had just put on my face was amazing and that every girl in the world would love it. So I started my party and posted my selfies in there raving about the mascara. I also posted a lot on my FB wall.(If you want lots of sales you need to post about the mascara on your wall ALONG with in your party. It helps people come and check out your party group and it reaches more people). The next day after starting my launch party I called my mom, sister, 2 sister in laws, and my 3 best friends. I told them that they were going to buy this new mascara I was selling that was phenomenal and gave them the link. Every single one of them said they didn’t want any mascara. I said “I don’t care. I better get an order from you by the end of the day.” Usually I am not this demanding and pushy BUT I knew that all I had to do was get the mascara into their hands and they would fall instantly in love just like I had.   THIS is what I mean when I said your Launch Party is the “Foundation of your Business”.


You goal is to get the mascara or any product, into as many hands as you can. You’ve got 10 days (or the length of your Launch Party) to do that. WHY? Well you want to make money of course right? That is not it. Your NEXT GOAL is that every single person that orders from your launch party is going to end up being a future party hostess (yes. She hosts and you get to sell to all HER friends) or a future presenter (ummm.. New team member!!). THIS IS HOW YOU BREAK OUT OF YOUR CIRCLE OF FRIENDS and go into many many many other circles of people.


I’m not sure if you are familiar with network marketing (I wasn’t at all) but let me explain it a bit to you cause it helps to think of it like this. We sell product. First and foremost. One of the 1st things I loved about Younique. All we do is sell product. You will see that our mascara and other products practically sells themselves.   And guess what?? Almost every girl on our planet wears mascara or some make up and will never stop wearing it ever. That means she will continue to buy it for the rest of her life.

The Point:

So let me get to my point. We sell product, we build our team, and we do FB parties. You will have a ridiculously easy time at building your team and finding hostesses for FB parties when you have SOLD the product. People put our 3D+ on their lashes and they are WOWed. Sometimes to the point of wanting to do a party and share with their own friends, sometimes to a point to where they want to try all our other products, and sometimes to a point that they want to join you right then and sell it themselves.So.. Take your launch party seriously. Post like crazy. Message people about it. Call people about it. Tell everyone you know about it! This will be the foundation of your business so go get em!! You got this girl!

What If My Launch Party Didn't Sell Anything?:

DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED - We have hundreds of highly successful presenters who did not sell much or anything during their launch party.   You've peaked their interest and they're watching you so be consistent.  The Key to success in this business is CONSISTENCY and PERSISTENCY.  Don't give up.  Assess the value your creating with your party script and keep funning your parties.... It's really a numbers game...Our top PRS earners have over 50% of their parties not qualify (minimal or no sales).   Almost every presenter has experienced a family member or friend decide to buy a product, host a party or join her team after 1 year or 2 of silence.... REMEMBER - they are watching you.

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The KEY to buildling a successful business
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