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Direct Sales 101

Direct sales is a brilliant business plan! 


It allows someone to work as little or as much as they'd like, independently, 

on their own schedule, either earning the minimum or building a full-time income.  


There are THREE ways to earn income: 

1) Selling a Product

2) Sponsoring Other Presenters

3) Teaching your Team to do what you do


  Selling products brings in immediate short-term income, which for a lot of people is great.  That can be part-time income to even full-time depending on how much you sell.  

The amount you sell is dependant on the amount of time you invest in your business.


But, what if you could earn income off the time you DIDN'T spend:  Residual Income.   That's what Direct Sales can be.  If you choose to build and train a team, not only will you earn income off your own sales, but you'll earn income off a team as well.  That means you earn money off sales you DIDN'T even make.  As you build a team, eventually your team commissions greatly can outweigh any personal commissions.  


One of the biggest tips I can give those new to direct sales is to keep at it.  Remember this is BUILDING a business, not turning up for an hourly job.  Building can take a little bit of time.  Those that do the BEST in this business have three main attributes - they are CONSISTENT, PERSISTENT, and PATIENT. 


The biggest mistake I see people make in this business is giving up too soon.  Quite often it's the VERY next person you bring into the business that is going to be your powerhouse partner.  All it takes is 3-4 strong leaders to really have your business take off.  


Listen to what Sarah Robbins has to say about direct sales:  

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