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Parties 101

Booking Beauty Bashes (parties)

Words to say to book parties: 

REALITY: Not everyone will say "yes".   In fact, many will say "no".  But you are determined and you need to keep asking until you get past the no's and you reach those that say yes.  Get on the phone, or text, or fb msg, or email (I find that is the order of the most effective to the least effective) and don't stop until you have AT LEAST 6 friends that are going to host a party for you. 

NO's are a part of the business  - just think of each no as getting closer to your next yes!!


HOST SEVERAL PARTIES AT A TIME: don't limit yourself to the number of parties you host.  It's not unusal that 50% of your parties will not qualify.  Thus the more, the merrier. Successful presenters typically have anywhere from 5-10 parties going at a time. Some use a binder that I use to keep up with each party.

Listen to the recording above.


1. Make a list of 30+ names!! As many names as you can!  The more the better! Customers, potential customers, friends, family, neighbors, school directory, church, temple, sports, anyone and everyone. Think! Grow! It's a dedicated ONE HOUR time slot where you reach out to that list! Every single name! 


2. Listen to the call link above for the WORDS to USE to BOOK it UP!


3. You are going to reach out to all of the names on your list for ONE FULL HOUR! This is the BLITZ! One dedicated hour!  LASER focus and NO interruptions.  Promise yourself this!


Please read on -- 



This is a deal breaker! TRULY - make or break!


Remember to NEVER, EVER ASK! Here is what you are going to do - ONLY TELL! TELL! TELL!

Let's talk about POISON words vs. PERFORMANCE words!


TOP 10 POISON WORDS - NEVER use these words to sell, share, sponsor, market or brand yourself - STOP ASKING!!! WHY? It will be the end of the road, sisters.


1. "Will you help me get my business started?"2. "Will you help me reach my goal?"3. "Can you help me....?"4. "I need you to help me with....."5. "I am sorry to bother you, but...." (one of the WORST offenders!) NEVER apologize!6. "I know you are busy, but....."7. "Join my team" (baby vomit)8. "RECRUIT" (I just threw up in my mouth a whole lot more)9. "Not sure if you have ever heard of it..., but"10. "I am desperate..." (um, yeah you are!)


TOP 10 PERFORMANCE WORDS! TELL! TELL! TELL! (this is me begging you to stop ASKING....I am on my hands and knees begging you....picture me shouting out TELL! TELL!) Follow the yellow brick road of ya go!


1. "You need to know about this CRAZY amazing mascara I just discovered!"2. "You and your friends MUST be made aware of this and end your short lash life!"3. "Let me help you share the best kept mascara secret with your friends!"4. "Try this out and let me know what you think of it! I guarantee you will LOVE it or I will give you your money back!"5. "I need your advice and would love your feedback on this mascara! Take a look at this eye as I apply it"6. "You need to do this with me!" "You would be great at this!" "We would have a blast doing this together!"7. "Have you ever found something you just can't keep to yourself and want to let every girl know about?"8. "Stop wasting your hard earned pennies on Dior and Benefit! I have to tell you about this kick lash mascara I am obsessed with"9. "It's just good girl karma to share this....I would go to girlfriend hell if I didn't"10. "You always look fabulous. You need to know about this...."


OK, so who is ready to STOP the ASKING and START the TELLING! See the difference? One is weak! The other is STRONG! One is desperate. The other is CONFIDENCE! One is weird. The other is COOL! Don't be weird, desperate or creepy!! Be AMAZINGLY CONFIDENT! It's JUST MASCARA! It's makeup! Believe in what you are doing! Believe in YOU! I do! Exude PASSION! Passion is contagious! Read, memorize, plagiarize the above...and SOAR!


AVOID USING THE WORD "PARTY" WHEN TALKING WITH POTENTIAL HOSTESSES:   Instead consider asking them to host an online Beauty Bash, a Shopping Link or Make Up Class... You'll find it will stimulate conversation and have a better likelihood of getting a "yes".

More Tips on Booking Beauty Bashes (parties :))

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