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Parties 101

Sample 10 Day Parties

You can read about parties.. you can watch a video talking about parties.  But, you want to SEE actual parties.  THIS is the page you want!  


Click below for several different examples of parties.  And no worries - this isn't an exact science.  There is no EXACT way that you need to do parties.  Find what appeals to you, what works for you.. In fact, the more of YOU and YOUR PERSONALITY is in the party the more authentic it is... and most likely the more successful it will b.   Then just go for it!  Tweak it as you go.  The more you do parties the better you'll get at them and the more successful they will be.  Just a tip - don't try something ONCE to decide if it will work - do 5, 6, 7 parties in a row and fine tune it.  Not every party is successful - it's a numbers game.... so you can't judge if something will work with just one party.  The MORE parties you do, the MORE success you will have. 

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